「My 物 」(My Mug) 於2020年由兩位寵愛貓狗的好友創立,對寵物的深厚熱情驅使他們深入了解市面上不同寵物用品的質素及功效,來給予牠們最好的照顧。豐富的經驗及知識引發他們建立「My物」,為大眾精心搜羅及誠意推介不同類型的優質產品。「My 物」專營售賣各類寵物用品,當中包括一系列高質品牌,為廣大寵物主人提供一站式服務,由沐浴護理到均衡營養,全面呵護毛孩生活各方面的需要。店內的每一件產品都經過仔細挑選,確保對寵物安全有效,更務求令主人們用得安心放心。
“My Mug” is a pet product and supply shop established in 2020 by two enthusiastic pet lovers. With a strong passion in giving their cats and dogs the best care, the duo researched and studied extensively in the quality and effectiveness of each product, which eventually turned into a retail business to share their best picks and recommendations to all pet owners. “My Mug” provides an one-stop shopping experience, involving a wide range of premium pet products from recognized brands. From daily cleaning to a balanced diet, the products are carefully screened and selected to ensure the safety of our furry friends and the peace of mind of every owner.
“My Mug” is a pet product and supply shop established in 2020 by two enthusiastic pet lovers. With a strong passion in giving their cats and dogs the best care, the duo researched and studied extensively in the quality and effectiveness of each product, which eventually turned into a retail business to share their best picks and recommendations to all pet owners. “My Mug” provides an one-stop shopping experience, involving a wide range of premium pet products from recognized brands. From daily cleaning to a balanced diet, the products are carefully screened and selected to ensure the safety of our furry friends and the peace of mind of every owner.